Assisted Living

The Assisted Living Facility offers residents individualized care, home cooked meals, snacks and a private room with a full bathroom.  Also available for our residents use is a spa tub, free WIFI and daily opportunities to socialize. In addition, we offer on call 24 hour nursing staff as well as in house visiting primary care physician, podiatrist, optometrist, dental and therapy professionals. Hospice agencies are also partnered with to ensure comfort for our end of life residents and their families.

Address: 1130 Bindl Drive, Reedsburg WI 53959

Phone: (608) 524-9876

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Memory Care

The Memory and Extra Care Facitlity offers residents individualized care, home cooked meals, snacks and a private room with a half bath. Also available for our residents use is a resident assisted shower and tub spa, free WIFI and daily opportunities to socialize. Our Memory Care staff are knowledgeable about the continuously changing memory care world. Memory building and maintaining are enhanced thru sensory activities such as the Music in Memory Program, Pet Therapy and daily activities lead by our staff and trained volunteers. In addition, we offer on call 24 hour nursing staff as well as in house visiting primary care physician, podiatrist, optometrist, dental and therapy professionals. Hospice agencies are also partnered with to ensure comfort for our end of life residents and their families.

Address: 1130 Bindl Drive, Reedsburg WI 53959

Phone: (608) 524-9876

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Homes for Residents with Physical and Intellectual Disabilities

Casa de Oakes – Homes for Residents with Physical and Intellectual Disabilities have been serving our community since 2000 in Reedsburg and Baraboo.  Our residents enjoy participating in activities such as the Sauk County ARC, Special Olympics, Reedsburg Area United Way outings, Special Needs camps, religious opportunities and many more local events. Our homes promote independence and learning while monitoring health and specific needs.

Casa – Reedsburg

201 South Grove, Reedsburg, WI 53959

Phone: (608) 524-6254

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Casa – Fawn Valley
E6846 Fawn Valley Drive, Reedsburg, WI 53959

Phone: (608) 524-2283

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Casa – Baraboo
717 Jefferson Street, Baraboo, WI 53913

Phone: (608) 356-9762

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